The Clark Collection

  Will Clark drawings circa 1989 and 1990 by yours truly. I was 14 years old when I drew this, so that makes at least 30 years making baseball art with a focus on Will "The Thrill" Clark. Maybe it is kind of silly to still be making art of and collecting a player that has been retired almost 20 years, but baseball, then Will Clark are why I keep doing it. There is a childlike quality most adults lose, burt making art helps me feel as if I am still discovering and learning like a kid does...

I noticed on this drawing where I used a cup or something to trace a circle, then drew a smaller circle within the bigger one to make the baseball. I have ALWAYS found ways to make creating art a little easier for me!

Judging by the years making baseball art, it would seem I have a passion for it, the game and art. Sometimes it seems like a compulsion, but what else am I going to do???


A Clark Commission for a Collector 2018


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